Thursday, 2 May 2013

 About the positions which were vacant;
Where? eucossa-Egerton University computer science students association.
Country: Kenya University:Egerton University,Njoro(Main)Campus
 Election Results:
1.Chairperson: Juma Fredrick
2.Vice chair: Fredrick Omondi
3.project manager:Stephen muiruri And Jackline Atieno
4.Sec. General: Peter Mbuthia
5.Treasurer: Flevian Kanaiza
          The Good News!!!
 Juma Fredrick was vying for the post of CHAIRPERSON and succeeded.
  His Manifesto( still showing here to help the office check its goals and objectives)
1.A diverse eucossa from which one can gain diversified knowledge in various computer science fields:Program
ming, Networking,Database management,Hardware and so on.
 2.A well furnished Eucossa I will look at: Single seats,Curtains,carpet,Enough extensions and sockets,Stronger internet,projector,relevant pictures and banners and many more.
3.Waking up the forgotten Elug- Egerton Linux Users Group.This group should be able to match those of other Universities such as Jkuat,Kabarak, Invite or visit them to share more over Linux.
 4.Organising three hackathones per semester.
5.Improve code zone arenas, various competitions with awards during the semesters.
 6.Improved Eucossa Fridays and Gurus corner. How? A eucossa Friday where every Eucossa member will be putting on The Eucossa T-shirts. Gurus corner to made up of: -Basic computing skills learning session. - Pitch session. - Show casing of projects from various developers. -Codding and awards session. 7.Increased talks on technology by various visiting teams in the campus And many more.The list is endless.....
Thank you for joining me and my team up for a better Eucossa, by voting us in, We hope to serve you well!!

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